Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We were so fortunate to spend this past Saturday at Rockport with our good friends the Hodlmairs and the Platts. We met the Hodlmairs just after we moved into our town house, about 6 years ago. We have since become good friends, and we sure love them! The Platts are Camie's parents and our boys newly adopted Grandma and Grandpa. Chad and I took our Jet Ski with us, hopeful that it would actually run this trip up to the lake. After about 5 minutes of great fun, that darn check engine light came on and the stupid thing died. Luckily it would start right back up again and let us slowly go a little ways before it would die again and eventually we made it back to the dock and were able to load it back onto the trailer. We were so bummed!

Although we did have bad luck with that, we still had a blast that day! The Platt's have a boat and took good care of us. Jack and Nixin were so brave and loved their rides on the tube! Jack was so comfortable that he was moving all around in that thing, sticking his hands down in the water and smiling the whole time. I was so brave too! Gay and Camie got me into the tube with them. Gay held my hand the whole time and reassured me that I would be okay. And I was, until Camie got this great idea to turn onto her belly...the tube went under the water a little, and I shouted a swear, a good "Oh Sh..!" That was funny because we had just finished talking about how crap was a swear word growing up in Camie's house. The good news is that we did not tip over and that it wasn't that bad. I might have actually enjoyed myself! Chad was thrilled that he was able to get up and wake board so well. He did a good job and had a lot of fun. So much fun that Chad is seriously talking about selling our lemon of a Jet Ski and investing in a boat. We had such a fun trip and feel lucky to have such great friends. Thanks for a day at Rockport!


carriebutler said...

Love the blog! You guys have such a rock and roll lifestyle! I have my galleries up at www.carriebutlerphotography.smugmug.com so feel free to check them out, don't feel obligated to use me, but I did tell Chad I barter, so maybe we can work something out!

carriebutler said...

I ought to dig out your email address, but I am not sure you check the one that I have, anyway, I would love it if you would give out the address and even number, that would be fantastic!
Incidentally, I noticed you really liked the Kite Runner, you should read his other book, A Thousand Splendid Suns, it is terribly terribly sad and wonderful!!

Erica Williams said...

I do check my email regularly and it is ejw825@gmail.com. You are welcome to email any time. A Thousand Splendid Suns is on my list...I only get around to reading every 5 years or so, so it might take a while. :)And I will work on getting you a little business.

jay and holl said...

where is rockport? looks like you had a blast! i am so proud of you for getting on the tube!

Amber! said...

Erica, I saw your link on Linda's blog and had to say hi. It has been forever! It look like you are having a super grand life! I would love to hear from you....my email is: amberorme@yahoo.com