Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chad's 33!

Today Chad's parents should officially be feeling a bit older.
They do, after all, have a 33 year old son!


We love you so much.
You are a wonderful husband, awesome father, and great friend.
We hope your day is a special one.

Erica, Jack, and Nixin


Heather said...

Happy birthday Chad!....yesterday.

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday Chad! Hope Erica gave you everything you wanted! ;0)

amelia said...

happy birthday chad!
they sure do come around a lot quicker as an adult huh?

erica, you're so close now! sam'll have to squeeze one more haircut out of ya before you deliver, if you're up to it that is :)

good luck & take care!

Sarah Jean said...

I think you pretty cool to Chad, actually I think you are my favorite nephew . . . shhhhh.

carriebutler said...

Happy Birthday, Chad!!